Wednesday, November 17, 2010

In 2009 the wrecks of five ancient Roman ships were found in pristine condition...

Each one fully laden with exotic goods with much of the cargo remaining exactly as the ancient Roman crews had loaded it, suggesting that these ships had not capsized but had gone to the bottom of the sea intact and upright. What happened to these ancient ships? What were they carrying and why had they traveled to this remote, rocky Italian island in the first place? "Lost Ships of Rome" follows the team as they explore the sites in detail, salvage artifacts and piece together the history of the ships and why they were lost 2,000 years ago...SECRETS OF THE DEAD...7PM

Tonight is the final 2 hours of CIRCUS...from the same film makers who produced CARRIER, it's been a fascinating look behind the curtain into the mysterious yet practical world of the traveling circus...In the homestretch everyone is happy that the end is in sight, though many are uncertain about their job prospects when the season ends in July. CIRCUS...8pm

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