Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Thank them for the lemon tree...

After the Pearl Harbor attack, Nebraska farmer Ben Kuroki volunteered for the U.S. Army Air Corps. He would become the first Japanese-American war hero, surviving 58 missions as an aerial gunner over Europe, North Africa and Japan. Between tours of duty he found himself at the center of controversy - a lone spokesman against the racism faced by the thousands of Japanese Americans who were sent to internment camps. Through interviews and rare, never-before-seen film, MOST HONORABLE SON recounts one man's remarkable journey through World War II, providing context to two seemingly disparate histories - the U.S. air war and the Japanese-American experience...7pm

Did you know that the lemon tree, the water wheel and Aristotle's lost philosophy all arrived in Europe through Islamic Spain, as did algebra and the beginnings of modern medicine, science and poetry...the very roots of the European Renaissance. What happened to the fragile union of Muslims, Christians and Jews? Take a trip back through time with Cities of Light: The Rise and Fall of Islamic Spain...8pm

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