High school football has never had a higher profile...
...with nationally televised games, corporate sponsorships and minute-by-minute coverage on sports websites. In northwest Arkansas, FRONTLINE examines one ambitious high school
team working its way towards national renown. With a superstar
quarterback at the helm, tiny Shiloh Christian is striving to join the
ranks of the country's best high school teams -- teams whose workout
schedules, practices and styles of play increasingly imitate the pros.
But as high school players grow bigger,faster and stronger, there are
growing concerns about the health and safety of these young players --
with rising rates of concussions, career-ending injuries, even death.
It costs approximately $88,000 per year to send a kid to juvenile incarceration and nearly 70% of them are re-arrested after being released. Could there be an alternative to this broken system of kids cycling in and out of the grasp of the juvenile justice system? Now in an experiment, a group of innovators in Baltimore, on a quest to fix the broken system, turn to an island on the other side of the world for a possible solution. Could the restorative justice principles of the Maori people in New Zealand be applied to the mean streets of the United States? FIXING JUVIE JUSTICE...8pm
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