This unforgettable documentary premiered at Sundance, and chronicled five years of her odyssey through Pakistan's broken justice system-and her alleged rapists' quest to clear their names. The result is a powerful and nuanced profile of courage in a society where rape victims and their families are often considered dishonorable and subjected to humiliation, poverty, and mortal danger. FRONTLINE: OUTLAWED IN PAKISTAN...9pm
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
“These things lead to a chain of murders.”
When a Pakistani teenager accuses four men of gang rape, her true suffering was just beginning.
This unforgettable documentary premiered at Sundance, and chronicled five years of her odyssey through Pakistan's broken justice system-and her alleged rapists' quest to clear their names. The result is a powerful and nuanced profile of courage in a society where rape victims and their families are often considered dishonorable and subjected to humiliation, poverty, and mortal danger. FRONTLINE: OUTLAWED IN PAKISTAN...9pm
This unforgettable documentary premiered at Sundance, and chronicled five years of her odyssey through Pakistan's broken justice system-and her alleged rapists' quest to clear their names. The result is a powerful and nuanced profile of courage in a society where rape victims and their families are often considered dishonorable and subjected to humiliation, poverty, and mortal danger. FRONTLINE: OUTLAWED IN PAKISTAN...9pm
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